Start your healing journey now

so that you can feel deeply at home in your own skin

My healing-coaching program is designed to help midlife women shed the doubts, fears and judgements that are keeping them small and hidden, so that they can step into their fullest self expression, and live the second half of their life uncensored, self realized and deeply comfortable in their own skin


If you are you arriving at midlife realizing that what you want has changed and it is time for the new to come in, and you are ready to move away from over care giving and people pleasing and towards what is true and real for YOU...

Then the first step is to book a complementary Midlife Transformation Call with me so that I can hear all about what is going on for you and guide you to find your truth and next steps. This is also the opportunity for us to assess fit and for me to see if I can help you. Even if we end up not working together you will gain so much value and clarity from this call. It's a real gift from my heart to yours.

she said...

"I was going through major changes in my life and having to make some hard decisions. Abi was instrumental in helping me work through these challenges. Abi gave me the tools and guidance to find my own answers. Through our work together, I have gained self confidence and now live my life being true to myself."

~Michal Rabinowitz, PA

change is hard to make on our own...

We bump against our growing edge and then retreat back into the familiar.

As we try to make the changes we long for, we might encounter fears, doubts, despair, apathy, not good enough, compare, all of which want to keep us safe from the unknown. That’s why we need the right kind of support to move us through our own walls of resistance and help us stay true to ourself.

I will be there to hold your hand and remind you of the vision you have for yourself. I will help you hold yourself accountable to the changes you long for in your life. And I will help bring you home to your body and your truth.

our jouney

will include


A safe space to process your feelings and move out of old loops that are keeping you stuck and miserable, and onto healing the places the hurt.


Include the body in the healing process so that you can tap into your center, your intuition, and your quieter and wiser deep place inside.


Practical and concrete steps to help you break through the old patterns that no longer serve you, and the accountability that is needed to see things through.

On our jouney

you will receive


A committed 6 months long journey with me, so that you can have the continuity and consistency that is required for change to take place.


3 session a month of 60 minutes each where I get to hold you in a sacred space that will support you through anything that comes up for healing in you, so that you can address the old and limiting beliefs that habitually keep you from taking the steps you desire.

• Soul journey guidance

An Akashic record reading so that you can tap into your guidance, your bigger picture, and understand your soul's journey.

• Embodiment

At every session we will take time to practice connecting with your body through Craniosacral therapy, somatic dialoging, or guided meditation, so that you can practice the power and wisdom your body has to offer you, and learn to anchor and ground in it. This will help you to access your intuition and move from being reactive to having a choice of action.

• Deep Reflections

An email recap of main points of each session, and a plan for action steps for the week. This reflection email is powerful as it helps to mirror where you are and what you need. It serves as an inspiration for the week and helps motivate you in your action tasks

• Accountability

Because I will be right here with you on your journey, you will have unlimited text/email support for accountability, questions, insights, comments and anything you want to share as the week progresses, so that I can help you stay committed to the action steps you wish to take for yourself.

• Tools

Relevant tools & assignments for the week, so that you can keep the momentum of your self-exploration between our sessions and continue to shift toward your goals. These assignments will include specific next action steps, journaling exercises, affirmations, daily practices, meditations and guided visualizations.

• Bonus

A bonus session to reflect on your journey and assess next steps.

She said...

“I came to Abi with a muddled sense of some changes I wanted to make. Her ability to listen carefully, help me define what I wanted, and create a clear path forward was impressive. The encouragement, support, challenge, and accountability she provided made all the difference. I am so grateful to have benefitted from her valuable expertise! “

— Lindsay Obrig, NY - All Rights Reserved -