Welcome to your most fulfilling chapter yet...

where you honor all that you are, and all that you long to express.

Download my free guided visualization and workbook to bring your vision alive

This meditation will lovingly guide you to connect with your heart's longing for your next chapter so that you can gain the confidence to bring it alive.

It's your turn to experience the freedom, joy and ease

you've spent a lifetime gifting to others.

Are you tired of holding yourself back from your full potential? It's time to let go of the pain and frustration of keeping small, and step into your deeper purpose. I'm here to serve as your guide and I'm so excited to help you take the first step towards an uncensored, more fulfilling future.

Xoxo, Abi

How I Can Support You...


A Life Transformation 1:1 Healing/Coaching Program

For the mid-life woman who is READY to create the next deeply meaningful purpose-filled chapter!

My signature process is designed to move you from the self-doubts that keep you small, into confidence, clarity, and authentic expression so that you can fully bring forward your creativity and create a life without holding back


If you are wondering if this is for you, the first step is to sign up to talk to me. I want to hear where you are holding yourself back and what you yearn for. Whether or not we end up working together, this session will help you gain so much insight and clarity for your life.

In this deeply nourishing one hour complimentary Deep Discovery session I will help you tap into your vision for yourself, shed light on the areas where you feel stuck, assess fit, and create next steps for you to move forward and toward your longings.

I believe that any change you want is possible for you.

start your journey...

This is YOUR life, what would you like it to be?

My Signature Process:


Our sessions will provide a loving and safe space for you to explore yourself deeply, and bring awareness to your old wounds and limiting beliefs so that they can be tended to. You will also receive meditations, guided visualizations, journaling exercises, affirmations, and daily practices, to help shine light on the old stories that are keeping you stuck and small, and help you move towards freedom, confidence, and ease. With awareness comes a choice of new action.


To help us over the walls where we usually quit on ourselves we need accountability, deadlines, and a system to keep a forward momentum toward our goals. Therefore, after each session you will receive an email with inspiring deep reflections, and a very specific action plan for the the week. You will also have unlimited email/text connection with me so that you feel supported and accountable between sessions, and thus stay committed to the change you desire.


Our bodies are amazing instruments on the healing and spiritual paths. They hold our stories and our truths, and ground us in the Here and Now. At every session we will take time to practice connecting with your body and its wisdom so that you can start tapping into your deeper knowing and inner compass through your intuition, and learn to make decisions from a stronger and more grounded sense of self.

She Said...

"After a major injury that caused a reset of my life I felt lost and without purpose. I desperately needed help when I felt that I lost all inspiration. I signed up for Abi's 3 month course after I had a consultation with her. After seeing her almost weekly, with Abi's help, I realized that I was on the wrong path in struggling to find satisfaction. By the end of the 3 months I felt more calm and more at peace with my life and my situation, which is remarkable! Abi helped me explore what I thought would work for me and she somehow, without exactly saying it, helped me realize that I needed and wanted to find inner peace with any situation I find myself in. I felt so safe, supported and so deeply cared for by Abi. She's a remarkable person who helped me in remarkable ways."

- S.D, NY

YOU are a works in progress & Life is too short to put off your deep longing...

We are all work in progress & Life is too short to put off your deep longing...

Don’t wait to feel better about yourself in order to take your next step. You will feel better through doing, not waiting. Don’t get stuck in perfectionism, we are all works in progress and perfectly imperfect. NOW is always the best time to start.

For years I have held myself back from putting myself out there for fear of being seen and judged...

I cared so much about what others thought of me that it paralyzed me. So I kept small and hidden because it was comfortable and I could get by. But a day came when my longing to deepen my work with my clients was stronger than my need to hide, and that meant having to put myself out and share my new work. I had to allow myself to be seen in my truth. This is when real healing began for me. Through the external need to market my business I found my voice, my courage, and ultimately, myself. And it took the right kind of support to help me through my resistance and fears, and teach me to value and honor my unique voice.

Our confidence comes not from the degrees and certification we pile, but from sitting powerfully in our inherent worth.

Trying to feel worthy through other people’s approval will never hit the mark. Only when you learn to truly embrace yourself and your uniqueness will you have the freedom and joy you so desire.



life is now!

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